Make your Remote Controlled Weapon System Autonomous

Upgrade any turret or weapon system with semantic awareness, object detection, object tracking, and kinemantics analysis at 50 frames per second.

Install TargetMaster & Instantly Get 360° Target Tracking

TargetMaster integrates advanced computer vision directly with your existing systems. Simply install our handheld unit where you need it and we will instantly generate a feed of accurate target data for you to pull over a secure serial port and use as you wish.

AI processing already built in to the handheld unit. Simply mount and use!

Real time kinematics data including distance, velocity, and acceleration.

Mesh TargetMasters to generate a MiniMap of your surroundings.

TargetMaster can provide detection for anything. Just let us know what you need!

Step 1. Mount TargetMaster

Mount TargetMaster around your turret system and follow the calibration instructions provided. TargetMaster is handheld and compatible with any mounting system you have so installation is simple.

Step 2. Connect TargetMaster to your Control Unit

TargetMaster supports communications over serial interface making it highly compatible with existing systems. Simply connect to start reading data from TargetMaster. Don’t worry, TargetMaster has no wireless hardware capability.

Step 3. Harness the Power of Autonomy in your RCWS

Now that TargetMaster units are reading data to your control system you have full autonomous capability. You can decide to use the data to build a real time mini-map, perhaps setup a few automation routines for specific scenarios, or just setup automated targeting.

We Provide Custom Solutions

TargetMaster provides extensive concierge service for all use cases

AI Model Tuning

We’ll train and deploy custom AI models as per your requirements and integrate them with your TargetMaster order

Service & Installation

Want to hit the ground running? We’ll send a technician when you order to setup and calibrate TargetMaster for your team

Advanced Camera Support

Do you already have vision systems? No problem! TargetMaster works with all types of cameras including thermal and surveillance

IoT Integration

Need TargetMasters to communicate with systems outside your RCWS? We’ll design and deploy a solution for you

Global Delivery, Installation & Maintenance

Interested? Contact Us

Fill out the form below to if you’re ready to upgrade your systems with artificial intelligence. We’ll be in contact with you shortly and yes we do demos.